FIVE: Ethno-Chaos

Dakha Brakha, “Carpathian Rap” from the album Light (2010), pp 145-156. Animation by Sashko Danylenko (2012) (he also created the cover art for Wild Music).
The late Roman Kumlyk performs a “spivanka” about fate (148-150).
A short excerpt from a field recording taken in April of 2009, when I visited the Mol’far Mykhailo Nechai with my friend Mia Pixley. Here, he performs “ancient Hutsul melodies” on the drymba (jaw harp) (pp. 148-150 in Wild Music). I edited this version together after hearing of his death in 2011.
DakhaBrakha performs “Salgir Boyu” live in 2018 (pp 156-161).
Fevzi Bilalov performs “Salgir Boyu” with Ensemble Qaytarma in Uzbekistan (pp 158-160).